We have planked the hull with 1/4"
okoume plywood. First we make patterns of
doorskin and then transfer the plank shape to the
okoume that has been
scarphed into pieces long enough for the planks. Unfortunately the photos of the planking process mostly went to never never land. Here is a shot of the 2
nd strake being marked on the pattern stock. We patterned one side and then cut out planks for both sides from the same pattern.

Here is the final upper plank being clamped on.

Once the planking was completed we
installed the outer stem, keel and
skeg. Here you can see the outer stem clamped in place while the epoxy sets.

Below the
skeg is visible and we have glued on the
gunwales. We
coved the
gunwales by running them past the table saw blade at an angle. It took several passes but ended up giving us a nice concavity into which we will later attach a piece of 1 1/2" manila line for a rub rail.

Here is a larger scale view of the other side. Now we will sand the outside and add small epoxy fillets to the plank laps. This adds a little strength and makes painting a
little easier.